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On January 26th, 2023, the Entrepreneurial Odyssey workshop series organized by IEDCMESCE in association with Institution’s Innovation Council held a workshop titled“Choosing a Business Structure” from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM. The event was led by Ms.Reema Shaji, Global UGRAD Scholar.The workshop focused on the various business structures that entrepreneurs can choose from,including sole proprietorship, […]
On January 25th, 2023, IEDC MESCE in association with Institution’s Innovation Councilorganized a workshop as a part of the Entrepreneurial Odyssey series. The workshop was titled“Creating Value in the Market” and was conducted from 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM. The event washandled by Mr. Shakeel Ahammed, a trainer and entrepreneur.The workshop began with an introduction […]
On January 24th, 2023, the Entrepreneurial Odyssey workshop series organized by IEDCMESCE in association with the Institution’s Innovation Council held a workshop titled“Developing a Strong Brand” from 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM. The event was led by Mr. NaumanShazi, TBI Manager at MESCE.The workshop focused on the importance of brand development for businesses and how […]
Event Report: Creating a Business Plan WorkshopDate: January 19th, 2023Time: 09:30 AM – 12:30 PMThe “Creating a Business Plan” workshop was held as a part of the “EntrepreneurialOdyssey” workshop series organized by the IEDC at MES College of Engineering inassociation with Institution’s Innovation Council. The workshop was conducted by Mr.Mohammed Nihal, SQA Lead at EGov.The […]
Event Report: Test Your Ideas WorkshopDate: January 18th, 2023Time: 01:30 PM – 04:30 PMThe “Test Your Ideas” workshop was held as a part of the “Entrepreneurial Odyssey”workshop series organized by the IEDC at MES College of Engineering in association withInstitution’s Innovation Council. The workshop was conducted by Ms. Reema Shaji, GlobalUGRAD Scholar.The workshop aimed to […]
Event Report: “Research the Market” WorkshopDate: January 17th, 2023Time: 10:30 AM – 3:30 PMThe “Research the Market” workshop was held as a part of the “Entrepreneurial Odyssey”workshop series organized by the IEDC at MES College of Engineering in association withInstitution’s Innovation Council. The workshop was conducted by Mr. Arun S, AssistantProfessor at MES College of […]
Event Report: “Build Your Ideas” WorkshopDate: January 16th, 2023Time: 9:30 AM – 4:30 PMThe “Build Your Ideas” workshop was held as a part of the “Entrepreneurial Odyssey” eventseries organized by the IEDC at MES College of Engineering in association with Institution’sInnovation Council. The workshop was conducted by Mr. Vishal SG, Assistant Professor atMES College of […]
Report_HackIt IEDC MESCE in association with Institution’s Innovation Council conducted Hack It – a 24 hrs Hackathon competition for the students of MES College of Engineering on 23rd December 2022 at 10:00 AM to 10: 00 AM on 24th December 2022. The competition began at sharp 10:00 AM on 23rd December 2022. The themes of […]
This report summarises the findings from the panel discussion TALKBACK on women entrepreneurship that was held on 9th December 2022, between 3.30 pm to 4.30 pm at the college auditorium. It was organized by WOW IEDC MESCE in association with IEDC Asmabi College, IEDC Amal College of Advanced Studies, IEDC MES KVM, IEDC Majlis Polytechnic […]
WOW IEDC MESCE, as part of “La Belle 2022” in collaboration with IEDC MES KVM, IEDC MJPTC, IEDC MESAC, IEDC University of Calicut and Amal College of Advanced Studies, conducted a heartening storytelling session at the auditorium on December 10, 2022. The event was scheduled from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM. RJ Jabir from Club […]