Developing a Strong Brand

On January 24th, 2023, the Entrepreneurial Odyssey workshop series organized by IEDC
MESCE in association with the Institution’s Innovation Council held a workshop titled
Developing a Strong Brand” from 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM. The event was led by Mr. Nauman
Shazi, TBI Manager
The workshop focused on the importance of brand development for businesses and how it can
help entrepreneurs differentiate themselves from their competitors and stand out in the market.
Mr. Shazi began by defining the brand and its significance, and then delved into the various
components of brand development, including brand identity, messaging, and values.
Attendees were then given practical exercises to help them start thinking about their own brand,
including developing their brand messaging and defining their brand values. Mr. Shazi also
shared best practices for creating a consistent brand image and how to effectively communicate
the brand to their target audience.
The workshop also covered the importance of brand protection and the steps entrepreneurs can
take to ensure their brand is protected, such as registering trademarks and copyrights.
Overall, the workshop was well-received by the participants, who appreciated the hands-on
approach and found the information and exercises to be practical and valuable. Many attendees
left with a clear understanding of how to develop and promote their brand effectively.


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