Two Day Webinar was conducted by WOW IEDC MESCE on 21 & 22 of April 2020. The objective of the webinar was to engage the students during the lockdown period. The session was exclusively for girls.The session was taken through the Cisco Webex platform.

Ms.Sreepriya Radhakrishnan , Cofounder and Director at Pehia Foundation headed the first session on the topic “ The Art of Self Reflection”on 21/04/2020. The one hour  session began at 04:00 pm. She explained what is self reflection and why it is so important.self-reflection is an act or a process where you disconnect from the world and introspect your actions, thoughts, priorities, and aspirations to become a better human being.It is a powerful and liberating experience that helps you expand your horizons, get a better understanding, and reach your full potential. If it is something that doesn’t come naturally to you, then with little practice and persistence, you can become more happy. She also shared her experiences throughout her life .It was an interactive session and Q&A session was also there.The session was all about “keep reflecting and keep growing”.

The second day webinar on the theme “Learn to Code” was taken by Mrs.Neha Parveen , Full stack engineer at Edapt on 22/04/2020. She also shared her experiences throughout the session.The session focused on Why is it important to teach programming to girls? .Coding is empowering and gives girls an equal shot. It increases their odds of having well-paid STEM jobs. Those jobs also have a potential to reduce the pay gap and boost the average woman’s pay significantly.Programming careers also present great flexibility. The absence of female programmers in the field is detrimental to innovation of all kinds. Because women globally make the majority of buying decisions and there are apps and products that only women use, female product designers are likely to bring relevant and needed perspectives that otherwise might be missing. Girls must benefit from the opportunities of today to create the opportunities of tomorrow.It was also an interactive session and Q&A session was also provided.


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