Panel Discussion on: The Business Implications of COVID 19 & How to Overcome them?

IEDC MESCE in collaboration with Microsoft conducted a Panel Discussion on the topic “The Business Implications of COVID 19 & How to Overcome them?” on 21-May-2020 from 03:00 PM – 04:00 PM . The online discussion was taken through Cisco Webex.
The one hour session was interactive along with Q&A. Around 72 participants were there.All the attendees were issued with a Certificate.
The panelists were Mr.Rahul Eapen(CEO Industrus Tech) , Mr.Nadeem Ahmed (Technical Officer – Fablab & Research , KSUM ) , Mr.Mahesh Divakaran (Data Scientist,Genpro Research ) and Mr.Abdul Muhaymin Arif (Managing Director ,Fanatacode Pvt.Ltd) . Aslam Ubaid of S6 EC was the moderator.

The topics discussed include:
❏ Address the confusion that has spread over our lives in terms of job security and
❏ Examine the unemployment rates in the country, the jobless situation of NRIs and
how to accommodate all of them.
❏ Discuss the pre COVID and post COVID scenarios in regard with business and how
multinational companies and small scale companies are planning to overcome this
pandemic situation.
❏ Strategise on what will be the current situation of start up companies and their future.
❏ Deliberate on the question whether internships and campus ambassadorship will further help the college students during interviews.

The panel discussion concentrated on swaying away the hundreds of questions popping in our minds with each passing day during this pandemic. It was really a beneficial event for the people to choose their right path to the future.


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