Mr.Harikrishnan G R, Nodal Officer attended the NO Night’19 organized by Kerala startup Mission on 18 October 2019 at sahrdhya Engineering College ,Kodakara
Mr.Harikshnan G R, Nodal Officer Mr.Vishal S G,Asst. Nodal Officer along with 14 students attended the IEDC Summit’19 organized by Kerala Startup Mission on 19 October 2019 at SahrdhyaEngineering College, Kodakara.
IEDC-MESCE conducted the second edition of our flagship event Inspiria’19 on October 12,13 2019 with the tagline “How to win at life by being you“. Inspiria’19 focuses on developing a sense of confidence among students to pursue their dreams and to boost their entrepreneurial spirit.118 students participated in this National event. Public Speakers are, Rekha Menon, Santhosh […]
On 1st and 3rd of October 2019, WOW IEDC MESCE conducted a workshop on how to do and conduct a successful and fun craft workshop from 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm at College Main Seminar Hall.
Two students from IEDC MESCE along with Nodal officer had participated in Huddle Kerala 2019 organized by Govt.of Kerala at Hotel Leela International, Trivandrum during 27th and 28th of September 2019.
On 19th September 2019, due to the overwhelming demands from students, Second Membership Drive was conducted. 72 students took membership as a part of this membership drive
IEDC MESCE conducted Orientation Program on 3rd September 2019 .The program was exclusively for IEDC members in the college . IEDC nodal officer Harikrishnan G.R explained about the vision,opportunities and success stories produced by the cell to the members.The program ended with introduction of new execomes of IEDC MESCE to the iedc members.
Students from IEDC MESCE participated in the IEDC Meetup, a precursor event of IEDCSummit 2019 at SSM Polytechnic College,Tirur on 08 August 2019.
On 27thjuly ,we setup a meeting with Ms. Sreekutty and talked regarding various things related to IEDC SUMMIT and related programs.