About Us


      Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Centre (IEDC) of MESCE started in the year 5th October 2015 and is supported by Kerala Start up Mission (KSUM). MESCE also hosts Entrepreneurship Development Cell(EDC) supported by District Industries Centre, Malappuram. The in-house innovation facility of EDC was inaugurated by Dr KC Chandrashekaran Nair, Former CFO, Techno Park and Dr K P Mohammed, Director, MESCE on 14th January 2016.

      EDC, MESCE believes in a culture outside of textbooks, promoting innovative ideas and regularly support the students to develop them into solid projects. MESCE promotes and foster entrepreneurial culture in the college and provides a platform for the students to pursue entrepreneurial activities. It has regularly provided assistance to potential entrepreneurs and innovators of MESCE, and has encouraged conducting activities that would develop entrepreneurial and innovative qualities in students and also made sure to provide common facilities to students working on start-ups.

      IEDC, MESCE has incubated a number of startups in the previous years providing them with facilities ranging from office space, conference hall, Wi-Fi facility and 24 hours internet connectivity. MESCE also hosts an IOT lab enabling the students to work on their startups right from college. With the prime goal of developing responsible innovators out of pedestrian engineers, IEDC strives to assist every aspiring entrepreneur on every single step.



Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life – think of it, dream of it, live on that idea.
Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone.
This is the way to success.

          – Swami Vivekananda

supporting team

Sidharth.K.P Marketing Officer, AEI
Anshid Abdul Razak N Marketing Officer, IT
Anjana menon Marketing Officer, IT
Sreelekshmi N Marketing Officer, CSE
Basil Azeez Design Lead, ME
Sarannya s nair Marketing Officer, ECE
Mohammed Fayis Marketing Officer, EEE
Arjun Menon Marketing Officer, ME
Fathima Liyana K Financial Officer, CSE
Fida NP Content lead, CSE
Reema Shaji Soft Skill Dev, CSE
Safwana shirin Content team, CSE
Abhijith K Tech skill promoter, ME
Gokul Balachandran Tech skill promoter, CSE
Sona Shaukath Vice Chair WOW, CSE
Shamila p WITE promoter, CSE
Abdul Musavir C Designer, CSE
Asif Rasheed Designer, CSE
Kenz Siraj Designer, ME
Shehin Mohammed Video Team Lead, CSE
Ziyad Bin Sulfi Video Team, CSE
Shamil Shakir Video Team, ECE
Basim Hilal V Video Team, IT
Nadim salim Video Team, ME
Ashiq Sharif Video Team, CE
Anaina R Developer, CSE

Are you planning to start a new company?​

Every successful businessman was an Entrepreneur once. In a country like India, that’s developing it’s economy at a neck breaking pace, Entrepreneurship is ‘the drowning man’s straw’. If you have a brilliant idea or if you have the technical or marketing expertise to develop a company from scratch, IEDC MESCE is here to help you.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Centre of MESCE has been the backbone of many successful companies that started within the college in the past few years. IEDC boasts of dedicated staff and student coordinators who are ever ready to help students with new projects and help them progress their ideas into a reality. By starting a company, you are taking the first and the most important step towards a successful and happy future yourself. Don’t just aspire to be a worker anymore. Be the boss.

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.
– Walt Disney

Start Following your passion today!

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