IEDC MESCE in association with Institution’s Innovation Council conducted Hack It – a 24 hrs Hackathon competition for the students of MES College of Engineering on 23rd December 2022 at 10:00 AM to 10: 00 AM on 24th December 2022.
The competition began at sharp 10:00 AM on 23rd December 2022. The themes of Hack It included Health, Education, Finance, Agriculture, and, Social. Multiple teams with over 80 participants competed with each other in a fair manner. All of the participants where equally involved in the competitions, they worked together for a problem and came up with a solution.
The judging panel comprises Mr. Shahanad VS, COO of Pygrammer, Mr. Sumesh A, Instructor at Mechanical Engineering, Mr. Shehin Mohammed, Software Developer at Xerox and Mr. Vishal SG, Assistant Professor at the Mechanical Engineering Department.
The presentation round consisted of three rounds, problem presentation, demonstration and QnA session. The panel thoroughly checked the completion rates of the solutions provided by the participants and they cleared their queries.
Team (Tarun Premnath, Nithin S Warrier, Adithya M and Mohammed Aslam) and the second prize was shared by Team Troy (Safan, Shijas and Aslam) and Team MARG
(Abhiram Nair, Dhaneesh T, Goutham and Raseeq CN).
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